Heretics' Social Club
Heretics' Social Club
...And Allah Came a Spider...
Well, it was inevitable. We always knew this day would come. Today we're talking about Islam, but before you get mad at us, just know that it's mostly a True-Crime episode. We go over the "ministry" of Saeed Hanaei of Mashad, Iran. A bold man who decided to take it upon himself to eradicate his city of opportunities to sin. Did he build a university to educate the women committing these acts? Maybe he started a group home to allow them the safety to exist without the looming threats forcing them into sex work? Maybe he created a sex-positive space to help avoid unwanted pregnancies, and stds? Nah. He just killed them for existing. Man stuff. God stuff. We find this behavior disgusting, and refuse to pretend it wasn't facilitated by zealous religiosity. Won't you join us, friends?